The Latest Log4j Vulnerabilities Fixed In Apache Commons Logging

If you use Apache Commons Logging in your applications, you’ll want to be aware of the latest security vulnerabilities that have been fixed in the library. The good news is that the Apache Foundation has already released a new version of Log4j that addresses these issues. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the vulnerabilities that were fixed and how they can impact your application. We’ll also provide some recommendations on how to update your Log4j version and stay safe against future threats.

What is Log4j?

Log4j is a Java-based logging utility that is widely used in enterprise Java applications. It is designed to be reliable, fast, and extensible.

The latest version of Log4j, Version 2.0, was released in July 2016. This release included several security fixes for vulnerabilities that had been discovered in previous versions.

One of the most serious vulnerabilities fixed in this release was a remote code execution flaw that could be exploited by an attacker to take control of a system. Other significant fixes included a denial of service flaw and a information leakage issue.

All users of Log4j are advised to upgrade to the latest version as soon as possible in order to benefit from these important security fixes.

What are the latest vulnerabilities in Log4j?

As of the latest release, Apache Commons Logging 1.2, the following vulnerabilities have been fixed:

– CVE-2017-5645: Information Disclosure in EventLogger

– CVE-2017-5646: Information Disclosure in FileWatchdog

– CVE-2017-5647: Information Disclosure in XmlConfiguration

These fixes address potential information leakage that could occur when certain classes in Log4j were used in an unsecured manner.

How can these vulnerabilities be fixed?

There are a few ways to fix the vulnerabilities in Apache Commons Logging. The first is to upgrade to the latest version of Commons Logging, which has been patched to address these issues. Another option is to use an alternative logging library that is not affected by these vulnerabilities. Finally, you can disable XML validation in Commons Logging, which will prevent the exploit from being successful.

What are some alternative logging frameworks?

There are a few different logging frameworks available for Java. Some popular ones are Log4j, slf4j, and commons-logging. Each has its own set of features and benefits.

For example, Log4j is a fast and flexible logging framework that can be easily configured. It supports various log levels, so you can control the amount of information being logged. Additionally, Log4j can be used with other software components such as Apache Hadoop.

slf4j is another popular logging framework that is simple to use and comes with a wide range of features. It offers good performance and is easy to configure. Additionally, slf4j provides integration with many popular frameworks such as Spring Boot.

Commons-logging is a widely used logging interface that allows for pluggable logging implementations. It comes with a few built-in implementations, including Log4J and JULI (java.util.logging). Commons-logging is easy to use and configure, making it a good choice for many applications.


The Log4j vulnerabilities fixed in Apache Commons Logging are a serious issue that needs to be addressed. However, there are many other logging frameworks out there that don’t have these same vulnerabilities. If you’re looking for a secure logging framework, be sure to do your research and choose one that doesn’t have known vulnerabilities.

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